Monday, October 24, 2011

Chicken Pox is here...

The whole week's schedule is disrupted since my little Rockstar has chicken pox. I'm still counting calories, eating right most of the time and under 1500 calories. I'm a bit depressed because of Rockstar's condition. He's depressed because he cannot scratch (I make sure of that) and we're both extremely depressed because we are cooped up at home.

He was weak and also cranky all day yesterday and it escalated as night came. One minute he wanted Mama another minute he wanted Ayah. When Ayah was beside him, he didn't want Ayah, he wanted to hug Mama.

Today, is a bit better, I think. He's playing and making a mess. I hope we get to go out today, even for a while.


  1. Yup... CHicken pox memang a trying time. I try to stop them scratching, but when I look away they do. My kids' faces and god knows where else are pockmarked. It will fade in time. Vitamin C can help as well... Hope Ilham gets better soon. And not so cranky...

  2. babe thanks for the info..he's mood is better now, cuma the pox ada lagi sesikit kat kaki dia..kenapa eh dia dipanggil chicken pox ( ada juga yg sebut chicken pop) ker mmg betul chicken pop..
