Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Thank You Note

I am at the lowest point in my life but I've been at the lowest of the lowest before and I am just very grateful that I succeeded in climbing out of that diabolical abyss into a much less dangerous level. I am also grateful to have my husband with me and together we are finding ways, working endlessly and tirelessly to take our family to a higher, brighter and much safer plane of life.

Thanks also to my source of inspiration, whom I love with all my life, whom I will give even my life to protect, the Little Rockstar, whose future is our raison d'etre. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah to the Most Gracious for giving both of us the courage and determination to keep fighting, and I pray it will be until the end.

I have witnessed and personally experienced one too many of His blessings, particularly these past two years, and I promise that I will devote myself to seeking His Pleasures by doing all that I possibly can to help myself, my family, my loved ones and strangers alike because we are all born with strengths and weaknesses that beautifully complement each other. Let us be grateful of that.

There are always people out there who will always try to break our spirits and I am sure there will be a day that I will fall to the ground and lament why things happen but I am certain that when that day comes He will not let me get too carried away with my emotions. Somehow He will lend me His strengths to push myself off the ground, quickly bouncing to take a fighting stance. He is All Knowing.

I am also extremely grateful for friends who understand our predicament over the years, who did not run and hide when we came to them for help. May Allah bless you and your families here and in the after life. Thank you so much for the lifelines that you have thrown in our way to help us float during turbulent times.

Syukur. Syukur. Syukur.

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